Daniel A Handwerker, Ph.D.

Staff Scientist
Start Date: 2007
Email: handwerkerd@mail.nih.gov
Phone: (301) 402-1359
Address: Section on Functional Imaging Methods
Laboratory of Brain and Cognition
National Institute of Mental Health
Building 10, Room 1D80
10 Center Dr. MSC 1148
Bethesda, MD 20892-1148
CV: Handwerker CV - Google Drive
Daniel Handwerker received a BS in Biomedical Engineering and a BA in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University where he first started working with fMRI in neuroscience and psychology labs. He received his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley and San Francisco Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering where he worked with Marc D’Esposito to examine the range of observable hemodynamic response variation in fMRI as well as finding ways to account for this variation during data acquisition and analysis. After a postdoctoral fellowhip at UCSF with Roland Henry to use fMRI and DTI, Dr. Handwerker joined Peter Bandettini’s Section on Functional Imaging Methods at NIMH initially as a postdoctoral fellow and now as a staff scientist. In addition to using his neuroscience, fMRI acquisition, and data analysis expertise to support many researchers in SFIM, his research focuses on finding ways to improve the quality of fMRI data through better acquisition, preprocessing, and analysis methods. This has included work on functional connectivity dynamics, identifying and removing noise based on vascular variation, and noise removal methods that take advantage of multi-echo fMRI information. He is currently one of the main developers of tedana.readthedocs.io, which is software to remove noise from multi-echo fMRI data.
Recent Publications:
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Neuroscience of Consciousness
Improving laminar fMRI specificity by reducing macrovascular bias revealed by respiration effects
Imaging Neuroscience
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
Recent Presentations:
June 2024
2024: Organization for Human Brain Mapping
June 2024
2024: Organization for Human Brain Mapping
June 2024
2024: Organization for Human Brain Mapping
June 2024
2024: Organization for Human Brain Mapping
June 2024
Contribution of slow, brain-wide patterns of activity to ongoing experience in resting-state fMRI
2024: Organization for Human Brain Mapping