Josh Faskowitz, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Start Date: 2022
Phone: (301) 402-0405
CV: faskowitz_cv.pdf
Josh is a postdoctoral fellow in the Section on Functional Imaging Methods at the National Institute of Mental Health. His work focuses on understanding the brain as an interconnected, complex system. He received his Ph.D. in 2021 under the mentorship of Dr. Olaf Sporns, with funding support from the NSF GRFP program and the IU Graduate School. His doctoral work focused on examining brain architecture through the lens of network science and its applications, including community detection and edge-centric modeling. Josh graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in neuroscience and cognitive science. When not thinking about brains, Josh prefers to spend his time consuming fine coffees & cheeses, prog rock, and televised sporting competitions of all kinds.
Recent Publications:
Recent Presentations:
June 2024
2024: Organization for Human Brain Mapping
November 2023
2023: Society For Neuroscience
July 2023
2023: Organization for Human Brain Mapping
July 2023
2023: Organization for Human Brain Mapping